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Author: Ross McCulloch

Oh no not another motion

Oh no not another motion

Christine Grahame MSP sums up how a lot of us in the third sector feel about Parliamentary Motions: Oh no not another Motion—That the Parliament notes that, of around 10,000 motions lodged during the current parliamentary session, the word “congratulates” appears 4,584 times, “award” 1,500

11 Must-Read Digital Inclusion Reports & Case Studies

11 Must-Read Digital Inclusion Reports & Case Studies

I sat on the recent Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy evidence panel session looking at Digital Democracy which has got me thinking more about the importance of digital within the Scottish third sector. I’ve written a short piece on digital exclusion and the role of

Digital Democracy – What needs to change?

I was asked to take part in a Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy evidence panel session looking at Digital Democracy this week. You can watch the full session above or if you’d rather be spared my rants here’s what I see as some of the

#DigitalAngus Free Webinars – March & April

#DigitalAngus Free Webinars – March & April

This post was edited on 11th March to simplify the sign-up process. Back in January I helped Angus Council programme the first #DigitalAngus event, bringing together people interested in social media for social good. One of the key pieces of feedback from attendees was the

Your charity needs to change the way it uses Facebook

  Photo credit: mkhmarketing The eagle-eyed among you will notice I was speaking about Facebook’s tenth anniversary on Scotland Tonight this week. This gave me a good chance to reflect on how the world’s biggest social network has changed the way third sector organisations communicate.

Social Media for Social Good – Glasgow 3rd Dec 2013

Social Media for Social Good – Glasgow 3rd Dec 2013

SPECIAL EARLYBIRD £99 BUY-ONE-GET-ONE-FREE TICKETS OFFER EXPIRES 5PM FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 2013 Take a colleague or a friend for free. Simply submit two booking forms, clearly stating ‘free place’ under your colleague/friend’s name on the second form. Forms should be sent to before 5pm

I’m now Head of Communications at Relationships Scotland

I’m now Head of Communications at Relationships Scotland

Well the post title says it all really. I now have the pleasure of working with national counselling, mediation and family support charity Relationships Scotland as their Head of Communications – two days per week.  I’m incredibly excited about this new position and look forward