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Author: Ross McCulloch from Jack Zerby on Vimeo. I’ve been playing about with personal landing page come lifestreaming thingmy – The video above explains it better than I ever could. There’s plenty of sites which allow you to create your own person…


I recently discovered the joy of Spotify collaborative playlists. As the name suggests the new(ish) feature allows you to create a Spotify playlist with your friends. It quickly occurred to me that it would be great to start a collaborative playli…

The Ultimate Website Prelaunch Checklist

We’ve all been there. After months of development, meetings, conference calls, protracted arguments over typography, photography, colour ways and copy. All of a sudden the site is approved and the client wants it live. Do you think to yourself, ‘I…

The logo is dead…apparently

via Simon Manchipp, Founder of design agency Someone, today proclaimed “the logo is dead”. Manchipp feels that businesses would be better off creating richer ‘brand worlds’; they simply don’t need logos any more. He cites the Eu…

Blog Comments – Are they really passée?

via According to Mashable, popular gadget site Engadget has recently shut down comments. According to Engadget it’s a temporary measure but the blog took it because the “tone in comments has really gotten out of hand.” As Mashable poi…