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Donate your tweets

via Yeah you heard right. Donate your tweets. JustCoz have developed a tool which I’ve had daydreams about for ages but I haven’t had the time to do anything about. Put simply, it allows you to donate a tweet a day to your favourite ca…

Can you resist to click?

OK so the site is pretty old but it suddenly seems a whole lot more relevant now the iPad has sold a gazillion or so units. Is it time to ditch the click?

Why I ditched a certain twitter list

Most of you have probably heard of Conversationlist before. For those of you who spend your time worrying about more important things here’s the official blurb: A “conversationlist” is a Twitter list of the people that you talk to (and about) on T…

Ed Balls Trainers

via No I haven’t made it up. The model name of these trainers is ‘Ed Balls’. I’ve scoured the net and I cannot find info on Mr Balls taking money from a footwear manufacturer. One can only assume these are not official Ed Balls mercha…

The Micro-Sociology of Networks

The Micro-Sociology of Networks View more presentations from David Armano. First spotted on Dominic Campbell’s FutureGov blog, David Armano’s presentation provides an insightful look at the micro-sociology of networks. Enjoy.