“The Social Network” Movie Gets a New Trailer [VIDEO]
via mashable.com I hate to say it but “The Social Network” doesn’t look nearly as guff as I thought it would.
via mashable.com I hate to say it but “The Social Network” doesn’t look nearly as guff as I thought it would.
via bbc.co.uk
What the F**k is Social Media NOW? View more presentations from Marta Kagan.
via justcoz.org Yeah you heard right. Donate your tweets. JustCoz have developed a tool which I’ve had daydreams about for ages but I haven’t had the time to do anything about. Put simply, it allows you to donate a tweet a day to your favourite ca…
OK so the dontclick.it site is pretty old but it suddenly seems a whole lot more relevant now the iPad has sold a gazillion or so units. Is it time to ditch the click?
Most of you have probably heard of Conversationlist before. For those of you who spend your time worrying about more important things here’s the official blurb: A “conversationlist” is a Twitter list of the people that you talk to (and about) on T…
via javari.co.uk No I haven’t made it up. The model name of these trainers is ‘Ed Balls’. I’ve scoured the net and I cannot find info on Mr Balls taking money from a footwear manufacturer. One can only assume these are not official Ed Balls mercha…
via mashable.com A great post from Frank Barry on Mashable. The apps he mentions are all from US orgs. Anyone got a UK or international mobile app they’d like to share?
via guardian.co.uk No prizes for guessing who I’ll be supporting at the final.
The Micro-Sociology of Networks View more presentations from David Armano. First spotted on Dominic Campbell’s FutureGov blog, David Armano’s presentation provides an insightful look at the micro-sociology of networks. Enjoy.