Oh no not another motion
Christine Grahame MSP sums up how a lot of us in the third sector feel about Parliamentary Motions:
Oh no not another Motion—That the Parliament notes that, of around 10,000 motions lodged during the current parliamentary session, the word “congratulates” appears 4,584 times, “award” 1,500 times and “lottery” 688 times; further notes that, in the Parliament’s Business Bulletin on 12 May 2014, new motions and those with additional support take up over 40 pages; notes views that, with 15 years since the Parliament was established, it is time to review the procedure and practice of lodging motions; believes that it is appropriate for there to be two categories of motion, those that seek a members’ business debate, which should not require, as in this case, an artificial reference to Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, and motions of national relevance, and considers that congratulatory messages should follow a separate process such as a message board on the Parliament’s website or contained in an interactive display in a public area, which could include a short video or images of the individuals, groups or issues mentioned in the message, thereby saving at least 40 pages of print and cluttered in-boxes.
Are ‘congratulatory’ Motions of this sort useful or do we need to move them to a different channel as Christine suggests?