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New Facebook Like Button for socially inept sites

If your website is socially inept then grab the new Facebook Like Button.

Alex Hazell of Sense brought this shiny new button to the attention of charitywebforum users today, so I’ll let him do the talking…

“It’s a little bit of code you can embed on your own site.

If a user is logged into facebook it shows the little pictures of their
friends who like the page you’re on. If they click on the like button,
just like on facebook, it’ll publish that to their news feed.

It’s such a simple idea, but I can see this being a really powerful way
to get people promoting charties, campaigns, appeals etc. with just one
click. It has the potential to be more popular than digg/stumble/reddit
buttons simply because so many more people are on facebook!”

Is the Facebook Like Button a game changer or is it simply replicating all the other share tools out there just now?

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