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#kennethcoletweets {like an absolute tool}

So you’re a rich dude who owns a fashion house for people who don’t care about fashion. You’re at home thinking ‘how can I flog more nasty bland shoes?’ Do you:
A. Buy some ads in GQ.
B. Hire yourself some kind of social media genius who can sell poorly made clothing to morons.
C. Daub ‘buy my shit’ on your forehead with a sharpie.

Nah, none of the above. Instead Kenneth Cole decided to tweet:

“Millions are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now available online at -KC”

‘Satire’ is ok where it is intended to have a positive impact. It is not ok when said ‘satire’ is designed to sell shiny suits.

Cole followed up the tweet with an apology:

“Re Egypt tweet: we weren’t intending to make light of a serious situation. We understand the sensitivity of this historic moment -KC.”

Hmmm, clearly you don’t. Off the back of his tweet came @KennethColePR, a genuinely satirical twitter account taking Cole’s brand of harmless fun to the Nth degree. Be sure to follow #kennethcoletweets

So is this all a little harsh? Did he attempt to exploit a serious political situation to sell clothing or was it simply poor judgement?

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